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News 2006/2007

Yearbook 2007
What a year!!

Vapours Jedi Qui-Gon
- nr 5 out of 103 salukis in Lure Coursing in Sweden
- The Lure Coursing Sighthound of the Year (all breeds) in Norway!!!

Nuch Vapours Inca Indiana
- nr 8 Lure Coursing Sighthound of the Year (all breeds) in Norway

N Finuch Vapours Inca Brightstar
- nr 6 Brood Bitch of the Year in Norway

Noor Inca
- nr 7 breeder of the Year dog-show

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti
- nr 17 out of 103 salukis in Lure Coursing in Sweden
- nr 10 Lure Coursing Sighthound of the Year (all breeds) in Norway
- nr 8 male at Top-10 dog-show saluki in Norway

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Giulietta
- Nuch
- nr 7 bitch at Top-10 dog-show saluki in Norway

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal
- nr 16 out of 103 salukis in Lure Coursing in Sweden
- nr 19 male at Top-20 dog-show in Sweden

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Turbo
- nr 23 out of 103 salukis in Lure Coursing in Sweden

WOW, am I proud or not :-) :-)
I hope you will continue 2008 as you have done 2007
Go and get the world you rascals :-)

Thank you Renata, Trond, Catja & Anders and Ragnhild & Bengt for all you have done for Noor Inca


30.12, Letohallen, Norway, Dog-Show

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Giulietta got CAC and BB-2 under jugde Hans Lehtinen from Finland
This CAC made her Nuch!! Noor Inca's first CH. I'm sooo proud :-)
BIG congrats and thanks to owner Trond Erlandsen for showing beautiful "Alfa" to CH.

What a way ending an already successful 2007 for all my babies!!


23.09, Simlångsdalen, Sweden, National Lure Coursing
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal went first with an CAC and Best In Field 3!!
Anders did not believe it, I had to make him go and get is prize :-)
And Catja was zzzzzzz....after a long, hard nights work.
Anyway, BIG congrats to both of you....again :-)

photo: ?


15.09, Nannestad, Norway, International Lure Coursing

SLCCH Vapours Jedi Qui-Gon got his NLCCH (Norwegian Lure Coursing Champion)
Jugdes: Arja Haiva, Finland & Hubert Iser, Belgium
BIG congrats to breeder Vapours, Anna Barman, in Finland for her first NLCCH
I'm soo proud of my beloved Qui
Thanks Anna, for letting me have him :-)

photo: Renata Goel


09.09, Helsingborg, Sweden, Dog-show

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal CQ and BD-5 under Markku Mähönen, Finland
BIG congrats, again, to owner Catja, which had this comment this time:
the old, with a cold, nasty, red nosed, fat, ugly farmerbitch from Sweden!
(but Anders says I'm still the sexiest, hottest one, isn't it love or what??!!),
& Anders, the guy with the wonderful words to his beloved.
I'm so proud of you all three :-)
And thanks to Linda Frisèn for great handling

photo: Lollo Svärd


01.09, Øland, Sweden, Dog-show

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal CAC and BD-4 under Branislav Rajic, Slovenia
BIG congrats to owners
Catja (who in her happiness called me "the old bitch :-)", what shall one say!!!)
& Anders for "Gamal's" second CAC on his second show in Sweden.
And again, thanks to Lotta Rahm for great handling :-)

photo: Catja Bjermo


25.08, Leek, Netherland, International Lure Coursing
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti 6 out of 15 males
BIG congrats to owner Renata E. Goel
You sure now how to knock them "big guys" straight down :-)
I'm sooo proud of you


12.08, Viubråtan, Norway, SU's Open Show
What a weekend!!

Under jugde Steinar Hoff, saluki and whippet breeder knl.Courtborne

Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Zeta got BIS Intermediate
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Tipo Stradale got BOS Intermediate
Congrats to "mum & dad" Evy and Knut Erik and "mum" Torun
Thanks to Ingunn for handling Zeta in the finals


Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti got BIS Working class
Congrats to owner Renata, this was fun yeaah :-)
And "Whisky" also got qualified for finals in "Best Movements" as the only male

photo: Ingunn Solberg Ericsson


05.08, Nesbyen, Norway, National Dog-show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Zeta got her first CAC under Monique Van Brempt, Belgium
BIG thanks & congrats to "mum & dad" Evy and Knut Erik for doing so well bringing up this bitch.


31.07, Stjärnhov, Sweden, International Lure Coursing
Vapours Jedi Qui-Gon finally got his SLCCH (Swedish Lure Coursing Champion)
Congrats to breeder Vapours, Anna Barman, in Finland for her first SLCCH.

photo: Jan Erik Sandbæk


16.06, Nes, Norway, National Dog-Show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti CAC and BOS under Lynne Brand, South Africa
BIG congrats to owner Renata with "Whisky's" second CAC.


02.06, Bosjökloster, Sweden, National Sighthound-special
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal CAC and BD-4 under Dominique Gordon Danel, France
BIG congrats to owners Catja and Anders, the "farmers" with the big smiles and even bigger hearts :-)
And thanks to Lotta Rahm for showing him so well.

photo: Catja Bjermo


19.05, LC-results, National Lure Coursing
At a national LC-trial in Sweden today Qui went 4 place and Whisky 5 place,
both with an CAC out of 32 entered. Turbo went 15 place after heading up for 3 place after first run.
I'm so proud of Whisky and Turbo, this was their first run ever and they both did so well.
BIG congrats to owners Renata and Ragnhild & Bengt. I know you all was sooo exited about this.


17.05, More Alfa Romeo's on the run
Today, on Norway's National Holiday, Alfa Romeo Turbo got his LC-lisens
Congrats to owners Ragnhild & Bengt


15.05, Alfa Romeo-litter on the run
Today both Alfa Romeo Visconti and Alfa Romeo Torpedo Gamal got their LC-lisens
Congrats to owners Renata and Catja & Anders
I'm looking forward to see them in a real trial. May you run for fun and get a lot of prizes


28.04, Stange, Norway, National Dog-show
NordJV-06 Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Giulietta CAC, BOB and BIG-4 under Seamus Oates, Irland
Congrats to owner Trond Erlandsen on "Alfa's" first BOB

photo: Geir Kristiansen


NordJV-06 Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Giulietta went nr. 10 Saluki-bitch of the year 2006
only entered in two shows
BIG congrats to proud owner Trond Erlandsen


28.04, Hillerød, Denmark, International Dog-show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti qualifies for Crufts 2008 under Eli-Marie Klepp, Norway
Congrats to owner Renata E. Goel, I know this was what you wanted


20.01, Sandefjord, Norway, National Dog-show
Vapours Jedi Obi-Wan CAC and BOS under Benny Blid, Sweden
Congrats to owner Catharina Englund




17.11, Hamar, Norway, International Dog-show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Giulietta, BB-4, CAC and NordJV-06 under Hjørdis Espeland, Norway
Congrats to owner Trond Erlandsen on "Alfa's" first CAC and title

photo: Renata E.Goel


10.11, Poznan, Poland, World Dog-show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti, World Dog Show, Poland, 3V Junior Dog under Kenneth Edh, Sweden
Congrats to owner Renata E.Goel

photo: Renata E.Goel


29.10, Leto, Norway, National Dog-show
Noor Inca Alfa Romeo Visconti, BD-4 and CAC under Peter Rehanek, Tsjekkia
Congrats to owner Renata E.Goel on "Whisky's" first CAC

photo: Renata E.Goel


07.10, Kongsvinger, Norway, International Dog-show
N Finuch Vapours Inca Brighstar BOB and BIS-3 brood bitch and
Kennel Noor Inca BOB-breeder at NKK, Kongsvinger under Saija Juutilainen, Finand

BOB-breeder Whisky, Zeta, Alfa, Pescara
Foto: Glåmdalens Avis


14.08, Sørum, Norway
Kennel Vapours BIS-breeder at the Open Show under Dan Grønlund, Sweden

BIS-breeder Bess Qui and Indiana

Qui Best Male and BOS at the Open Show under Dan Grønlund, Sweden

BOB Qirmizi Global Tempress BOS Vapours Jedi Qui-Gon


13.08, Oslo, Norway
Bess BOB at NKK International Oslo, with CAC and CACIB under Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa, Finland

BOB - Vapours Inca Brightstar Bess moving
